About the Service

Health Services can collect specimens for common laboratory testing, including STI testing. A valid order from a physician is required, so please call us to schedule an appointment with a nurse for a screening and to complete lab work.

Occasionally, lab orders require special handling that can only be done at a local laboratory and cannot be processed on campus by Health Services. However, we can send a copy of your private health insurance card to the lab selected in advance so they can properly bill for off-campus lab work.


 Who can use: Enrolled Trinity students

 How to access: Schedule an appointment by calling us

 Cost: Varies depending on the test performed (call to discuss)

 Confidentiality: We are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of health information that identifies you.


Make an Appointment


Prepare for Your Consultation

Before your appointment with the physician and nurse practitioner, you should:

  • locate your insurance card
  • create a list of your current medications or prescriptions
  • think about any food allergies or other information about yourself that may be medically relevant


Patient Responsibilities

It is your responsibility, as a patient, to...

  1. provide accurate information about your health, including past illnesses, hospital visits, use of medicines (prescription and over-the-counter), and use of any other type of substances including vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, and other drugs.
  2. ask questions when you do not understand information or instructions.
  3. inform the Health Services staff if you believe you cannot follow through with the plan of care and treatment for your condition.